⚠️Tous mes dessins ci-dessous sont soumis au Copyrights de leurs auteurs et éditeurs. Leur reproduction à des fins commerciales est formellement interdite par la loi. 

Copyright Spectre d'Artiste by Jules A.

Warning: All my mangas drawings below are subject to the Copyrights of their authors and publishers. Their reproduction for commercial purposes is strictly prohibited by law.

Dernière Publication !

Last Post !

M79 - Naruto- 13/09/2023

M78 - Zoro - 08/09/2023

M77 - Senku - 31/08/2023

M76 - One Punch Man - 29/08/2023

M75 - Berserk - 23/08/2023

M74 - Kakashi - 23/08/2023

M73 - Itachu & Sasuke  - 23/08/2023

M72 - Kaneki Ken  - 20/08/2023

M70 - Luffy one piece  - 14/08/2023

M71 - My Hero Academia  - 14/08/2023

M68 - Eichiro Oda

M 69 - Gojo

M66 - Law

M67 - Gojo de Jujutsu Kaisen

M64 - Arima kosei

M63 - Hirotaka Nifuji

M65 - Izuku

M60 - Tanjiro

M61 - Itachi

M62 - Sangohan

M58 - Bungo Stray Dogs

M59 - Kakashi

M57 - Hisoka

M55 - Kurapika

M56 - Kiroua

M52 - The Seven Deadly Sins

M53 - Kirua

M54 - Naruto

M50 - Pikatchu


M48 - Sangohan

M49 - Naruto & Jiraia

M47 - Sangohan

M45 - My Hero Academia

M46 - Hisoka

M42 - Trunks

M43 - Saïtama

M44 - Trunks

M40 - Naruto

M41 - The Seven Deadly Sins

M36 - Demon Slayer

M39 - My Hero Academia

M38 - Vegeta

M37 - Another

M35 - Demon Slayer


M34 - Elisabeth

M31 - Karma

M32 - Kaneki


M30 - Demon Slayer

M29 - Bungo Stray Dogs


M26 - Demon Slayer

M27 - Heart Gear






M17 - Kirua

M18 - Demon Slayer


M15 - Demon Slayer

M16 - Demon Slayer

M12 - Mashiro


M14 - Deathnote

M9 - Kakashi

M10 - Vegeta

M11 - Sangohan

M5 - Trunks

M6 - Elisabeth

M7 - Nesuko

M8 - Isuku

M2 - Izuku

M3 - Izuku

M4 - Natsu

M1 - Zoro

Dessins Mangas, Comics et Bandes dessinées, Art

Manga, Dessin, Bande Dessinée, Drawings, Drawing, Draw.